
I didn’t know that there was something out there for me that’s produced by ABI. My arena is done in a way that is safe for my horses. It’s hooked up to the tractor. I can go drag the arena in like 15-20 minutes. And it’s really easy to use. Before, Tony would just go out there with the disk. And it what happened is it would end up being too deep in a lot of places. We noticed a significant difference. It has totally leveled it out and there’s not a spot in that arena I can’t ride in. And anytime you’ve got a arena that’s dragged, it automatically makes you want to go out there and ride. I’m a casual rider and I’m riding for fun. And the fact that I can have a tool that’s cost effective and I can get my arena in great condition to ride. That’s really important to me. That is my stress relief. You can have a really bad day, get on your horse and somehow everything is just OK.
